Nearest gay bar near johnson creek wi

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You are just a couple steps into the place.Ībove you is a wide-screen television, one of many in the bar. You can sit at the end with the window behind you, or you can swivel around in your chair to see the goings on outside. Once you’re inside, there’s no question you’re in a tavern, since the bar circles out to meet you in a classic question mark shape.

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Let’s go in through that curious recessed entrance. Around these parts, rainbow colors mean one thing: we’ve found ourselves another gay bar!Ĭurious recessed entrance. “Woody’s” is spelled out in letters of white light with a rainbow background. These neon lights are on right now, and they display a rainbow of color. This feature belies a former elegance for the otherwise unassuming two-story building. 2nd St., is faced in “Nu Stone,” a concrete material and there is a nice window, that recessed entryway and some glass block detailing, along with a little courseway above for neon lights. It takes decades to put a pile like this together. You can even see where the foundation failed somewhere back. Look at the building from the south, and you see evidence of a patchwork of construction, some frame, some otherwise, much covered in asphaltic fake brick.

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If you look straight at it, you will see an unusual entryway recessed into the front of the building, clearly added years after the initial construction. Woody’s Bar has been located in this corner building near the foot of W.

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